How To “Do Money” Your Way – Part A (PODCAST EPISODE #1)

Episode Nr.1, Part A - Money Vitamin - Podcast by Success Illustrated
Money Vitamin - Podcast Episode Thumbnail Nr1
Money Vitamin by Success Illustrated
How To "Do Money" Your Way - Part A (PODCAST EPISODE #1)

Learning Originality From Leonardo

In the 15th century, there was a painter and polymath who simply liked to do things his way, differently than what had been the boring standard of his time back then, and – in perfect alignment with the disturbance rules – this guy would eventually become author of a whole bunch of world-class innovations that were much, much ahead of his day and age.

His name was Leonardo Da Vinci.

Where other artists repeatedly painted the same sacred motives that would serve no other purpose than to just please the church leaders of his time, Leonardo decided to paint – grapes.

His drawings and inventions were so revolutionary that most of them have only been brought to life by others centuries later after he died. Many of these we now widely use today-

Much like Leonardo, MONEY VITAMIN strives to be a space where we just like to do things, well, our way.

Especially when it comes to money.

Unique Approach By Success Illustrated

This podcast is a supplement pill towards your success, where we share our unique approach to investing. The goal of this podcast is to entertain as well as inspire you, while giving you VERY PRACTICAL pieces of advice that you can use immediately. However, instead of the same-old, boring theories frequently pushed by plenteous trading and investing gurus into their followers and students, we like to do things our way.

We like to trade and invest as if we were creating an art piece – every time we expose ourselves to the market risk, and invest a portion of our money into a trading or investing position.

Our ink is capital, our colors are asset allocations, our brushes are trading strategies – and our canvasses are our charts.

The advantages of having such an inspiring approach to trading are obvious. Me, and all traders and investors who are now part of Success Illustrated, are much more excited to wake up every morning and sit behind our trading desks. Also, what this philosophy reminds us of is the fact that trading and investing is not rocket science. In fact, it is the very opposite-

You might have probably noticed already that in trading, one plus one only seldom equals two. In reality, this simple equation usually renders different results at different times of the trading day that you apply it to…. metaphorically speaking.

Why Finance Actually IS An Art Form

Investing very much IS an art form, in its very essence. The results are never given, and change very much with a multitude of factors, a hefty portion of which are nothing else but pure human emotions!

Now, when an individual investor with a rather limited amount of capital decides to join in and start to day trade, for example, equipped with what is now the “standard” (and, let me add, boring) approach to trading pushed by many so-called trading gurus of the day, he or she usually ends up burning all of the money soon.

The reason is simple. Making hundreds and even thousands of percentage points of profit in a little to no time at all, presented to you as sort of a “norm” now… (continue by listening to this Episode of the Money Vitamin Podcast)

LEARN TO TRADE - Making Disciplined Choices
Learn How To Trade Any Market And Make Disciplined Choices In Investing And Trading.

Written by SUCCESS Illustrated

Success Illustrated strives to be the ultimate bootcamp where entrepreneurs, investors, traders, finance planners, and – simply put – anybody can come re-supply what ever resource on success is needed. Anytime. Anywhere.

Episode Nr.1, Part B - Money Vitamin - Podcast by Success Illustrated

How To “Do Money” Your Way – Part B (PODCAST EPISODE #2)